Sunday, May 27, 2007

Is A Soda Too Much To Ask

having spent the past few hours meandering about the streets of DC in a desperate search of a Bank of America, i turned to the local 7-11 outside the foggy bottom metro stop to rehydrate. as i perused the tiny store, i was drawn to the fridge full of sodas and other sugary soft drinks that my health conscience tells me to avoid (seeing how a trader joe's was only a few blocks further...but as i had just spent the last 2 hours metro-ing and walking, i was too lazy to make the effort.

now i wouldn't say its hot by any DC summer standards, but it's definitely too warm for my san "perfect weather 75% of the year" diego ass. so i succumbed to that little person inside of me that says: eat and drink whatever, i'm still young and heal...i was gonna say healthy, but i had just almost passed out from walking about 2 miles. i ended up pulling out three bottles of soda...all of which would definitely be considered unhealthy by any means.

having escaped from the heat of the unwelcoming and scary "outdoors", i returned to my haven of Digg-ing and updating myself on Lindsay Lohan's rehab recovery DUI. and in the daily navigating of the web, i stumbled upon this article about the increasing health risks of drinking soda.

already feeling the effects of not having exercised in the past drinking my beloved dr. pepper may put me at risk of serious disease. damn you health conscious scientists!! wasn't the world just dandy when we were getting sick and dying earlier and thereby not over-populating the planet which has now been super saturated with our toxic wastes to a level where we face catastrophic risk from an unstable environment when world leaders who were meant to work for their respective constituencies are busy trying to shape their legacy around policy and wars that has made no one safer and everyone angry...

so all i'm saying is...can't i drink my soda without having to be worried about dying one day?


Unknown said...

sucks. stop drinking soda!

cvu said...

lol. soda is also a big reason why the nation is obese. but i think one or three sodas wont hurt if its not everyday!