Thursday, July 17, 2008

Late Nights

as the readers of this blog know, at times of sleeplessness, my mind rambles onto whatever it happens to be thinking about at the time and often times finds it way to this blog. and this is moment is no different, so here is my most recent political ramble on the state of the country and what we should do to get back on track (and no, just tossing bush won't get it done)...

it's clear that we're in a recession, not a mental one, not one fabricated so i can whine about it, it is real. gas prices are blowing up, wars are raging, natural disasters are ravaging the country, and even with our first black presidential nominee, we're still facing ignorance and severe intolerance.

so here's what i propose the nation do...

we need to understand that we're not going to keep our factory jobs, our mill jobs, or "blue" jobs; and we don't want to. we want to grow, learn, advance ourselves to lead the world in technology, sciences, medical. but to help revive a struggling economy with a growing number of employed blue-collar workers, we must create a major jobs program not seen since the new deal. jobs programs to overhaul and reconstruct the transportation infrastructure of the nation, to rebuild the levies that have, or will, rupture, to reinvent devastated cities like new orleans into green beacons. not only will this provide jobs for thousands of struggling workers, it will help reinvent the parts of the country that most of us have forgotten about.

and for the rest of us, the green movement must be embraced and encouraged. though i don't think the government is good at directing science, we must not be ignorant to the impending climate change or bought by the oilmen. not only will have a strong environmental push be good for the climate, but for the economy. it will bring a whole new wave of jobs and technological advancements come about in the same way the industrial era brought us cars and electricity.

we must focus this new movement into development and refinement of new means of energy. the day we can remove ourselves from the massive world oil market is the day we can no longer fear more the need of "nation building" in opec lands.

we must make-over our public image in the world. first by responsibly withdrawing ourselves from iraq and refocusing ourselves in afghanistan. the military is strained and suffering, but it is still undoubtedly effective. the mission must reflect the true needs of a nation facing potential terrorism and security issues, and not used for vengeance and vendettas.

once we have established ourselves again as a respectable leader, washed our hands of hypocrisy, and opened our arms to a world grown smaller, we must ourselves realize that we can no longer afford to think of ourselves as the only nation worthy of this world. we must understand that we may no longer be the leaders of education, the leaders of manufacturing, or leaders of production...instead, we must now be the leaders of innovation, of experience. we must use our political capital to say, "we've been there before" to developing nations in respect to environmental damage. but we mustn't preach, we must help; we mustn't punish, we must accept.

of course, all of this is just the ramblings of my mind. and thank the blogosphere world that no one really reads this, or else i'd probably be the idealistic fool without a sense of reality, only of hope...and i'm okay with that

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


i remember back in the days when i was still entrenched in apo, and wes and i would battle each other for the record of attending the most pledge retreats. he would always tell the same ghost stories, and everyone would always enjoy them as wes is a great story teller...

but i have now come across a better way...

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Good Ol' Days

back in the last year of my high school career, my good friend lance and i were paired together in a senior-easy A-joke tv productions course. keeping in line with the tradition of several other friends who had taken the course in previous years, we decided to extend the Secret Agent Man series. here is what ensued...

excuse the quality, back in those times, we rendered the videos onto VHS (yeah, right?)...and also excuse the humor, we were in high school.

and here is another "dream sequence" video...same disclaimers apply.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

So True

i apologize for the brief haitus from my incoherence...though this post will also not be a recap of my absence, just an insert of something i found completely true and right on the mark.