Sunday, August 22, 2010

Gluttony Week

those who have followed these ramblings are the ones who truly know me (besides all those who just happen to link to my page from a picture of one of my dream girls). so those who are still reading this now...i know, the dream girls are distracting...know that there are few things that i have no hesitation in spending my hard earned dollar on. and one of those is food...whether it be fresh from the farmer's market, store bought, ordered in, or dining out. so this past week of gluttony--restaurant--week, i definitely ate my share.

for some reason that i can no longer remember, i seemed to have fallen behind on my self-improvement routine and already missed the gym for a few days, and then my schedule being ruined by reservations, i continued to miss more. so truly, 4 reservations in one week, no days spend at the gym, i was indulging myself in my favorite of all sins.

i won't get into the details of my dining escapades, since they'll only leave my mouth watering and anxiously waiting for the winter restaurant week to come. you can read about them here, here, here, and here. and beyond those 4 visits, i also made stops for happy hour sushi and a large shrimp burrito, as well as large platters of homemade indian food.

so i sit here, as disgusted i am with the rolls of fat spilling over my waistband, i am just as equally satisfied at my epicurean adventures. onto the next meal i say...i can always go on that diet tomorrow.