Wednesday, November 12, 2008


after 24 years of life, experiences in many foreign lands, life stories from all walks, i have finally made it to the big time...i made it to the realm of jon stewart, bart simpson, josh lyman, and ari gold...i made it to television.

for those of you who would like to now join my entourage, please apply via the comment box.

yes, my friends, i have been featured (and when i say featured, i mean the camera panned over me while i was leaning against a wall at my boss's press conference) on c-span. for those of you outside the beltway, c-span is the network that covers congress and the rest of the government.

why was i given this golden opportunity to break the minority mold in television? contrary to previous understandings, i did not come to dc to open a shoe store (it was merely a side venture). i came here for the betterment of society, to improve the lives of millions, to make a difference...this is where you all decide to move out of the country.

but the past few weeks has been dedicated to producing my boss's vision for health care reform and the future of that endeavor. it was a massive project and a bold required hours of dedication, gallons of coffee, countless missed meals, and tireless execution to produce this 90 page document...and while the health team of the senate finance committee laboriously and amazingly produced this work, i enjoyed my weekends, hour and half lunches, and midday naps. so accordingly, i will take all the credit.

but in all honestly, for those who don't believe that i do is the result of the many hours all of put into, your tax dollars at work.


cvu said...

I think it is awesome that you're working so hard towards you goals and already achieving some of them. Congrats on two seconds on c-span, though I know you'll be going a lot farther with what you're doing, so I'm excited to see what else there is to come. Keep on posting and keep your friends updated on this side of the country!

roxywible said...


I called D.C and they told me you're "the man!" BUT they wouldn't release your email so I found you by sneaking around the Internet. . . I'm a physician in Oregon who actually read the Call to Action Health Care Reform 2009 White Paper and I was feeling excited to share some innovative medical models spearheaded by the most creative and forward-thinking docs around the country with Sen. Max Baucus. In the intro of the 89 page document Max wrote, "My door is open and I seek partners with "can do" spirits and open minds."

I have a can do spirit and an open mind, but I'm having trouble finding the "open door." Apparently, you, my friend, Andrew, hold the key. . .

I'll be sending you a letter rather than continue begging on your blog. Any idea how to get through the magic door appreciated.

Congrats on your CSPAN moment of fame and look forward to connecting with you. Happy Thanksgiving!


Pamela Wible, MD