Sunday, September 2, 2007

True Friends

as i take stock of the people i call my friends, i realize that i am proud of them all. they have all done so much and accomplished so many things...some are going on to pursue masters, others md-s and jd-s...and some are already prospering in the work force. and as i was taking stock, i began to compile a list of needs attributes that each of us need in our close friends, or at least on your respective peripheral circle.

1. the computer "technology" guy
everyone masters the use of technology at their own pace. there are those who will have one eye focused on the video playing on their iphone while being wirelessly connected to "LEETaznPWN95" via their nintendo dses at the local mcdonald hotspot. and then there are those who still think 'mac' is short for mcdonalds and 'pc' stands for price club. so for everyone who falls into that latter category, be sure to have a computer guy in your web of deal with that pesky virus that keeps eating up your harddrive or to remind u to unplug ur power cable during long vacations for fear of unexpected power surges.

2. the lawyer
this one is almost a must. not that any of ever plan on getting dealt the type of charge even roberto gonzalez can't forget his way out of, but it's still nice to have a lawyer friend handy every now and then. whether it is to help you weasel your way out of that annoying parking ticket you got from that meter maid that just wanted to check out ur ass or when you need help annulling that regrettable vegas "i do" you vowed a few years back. whatever your reason, offer to help turn the pages of that 5,000 page tax evasion textbook he has to study, for you never know what can come up.

3. the doctor
now this one can get a little trickier. though doctors are bound by doctor-patient privileges, friends are not (i guess this could go for the lawyer bit too...but i still find it a little more embarrassing to ask a friend to check out that rash you got from that girl you thought was so nice than it is to ask a friend to get you out of some lewd sexual conduct in some local bathroom). so whether it's to get your monthly physical or a discreet prescription for those little blue pills, keep providing the caffeine for when they're pulling that all-night study session for their next exam class.

4. the pr specialist
this friend may be more vital for the social-butterfly, but even the most reserved of us would enjoy a night out on the town every once in a while. so keep this friend at close calls for their rolodex buddy list may be able to get you that table no one else can book or get you into the sold-out show or the hottest party of the month. as long as your friend doesn't represent the likes of brit brit or lilo, i think you'll be okay.

of course there are those special few who you would but on your alltel inner circle, so make sure you keep those too. but it definitely wouldn't hurt to have a few of these guys on your list keep in touch with those friends of friends of friends, you never know what kind of friends with benefits you might have.