Wednesday, June 11, 2008

It's All In the Delivery

as i sit here at a 24 hour mcdonalds getting the most out of their limited time free wi-fi because the power went out in my building and it's hot in dc (even at 11:30 at night) and because i don't know how to survive without electricity and tv and/or internet for long periods of time...i began to think about how we're all so easily convinced by the speaker. so running into this article was perfect...

we've all seen them before, the late night commercials promoting "dates" by phone (phone sex for those who are incredibly naive). these commercials are undoubtedly stacked with beautiful women all bursting out of their clothes, speaking seductively in their camera about how they want to talk to you tonight.

then, your oppressing loneliness overwhelms you and the thought of having a stranger whisper sweet nothings into your ear sounds increasingly appealing. so you call and on the other side hear a woman describe herself as barbie-esque and you paint a picture...

...would you still call if you knew your late-night telephonic rendezvous looked like this?