there must be a lot more health policy junkies than i had previously imagined...or else the entire public policy bubble of dc united to make my boss a viral video (albeit still no where close to the hilarity of david after dentist).
but still...i find it hard to believe that somehow, this video of my boss proudly striking back at republicans for feigning bipartisanship made it onto any top ten list of viral videos on any website.
for what it's worth, this speech was awesome.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Posted by hu? at 1:57 AM 0 comments
Labels: politics
Friday, December 25, 2009
by Ron Pollack, FamiliesUSA
Twas the night before Christmas and all through the Senate
The Democrats were working for a fundamental tenet:
All Americans should have health care at a reasonable price
By forcing insurance companies to finally play nice.
The reform bill they pushed took some very strong positions,
Like no one denied coverage due to pre-existing conditions.
Premiums, in the future, would need to be fair
With no differences for women and people needing care.
The Democrats made sure that the bill they designed
Would give folks 'cross the nation some real peace of mind.
Health care would not end if jobs changed or were lost
As all could choose health plans at an affordable cost.
For seniors needing medicines, the bill had much to extol:
It plugged gaps in their coverage, like the bad "doughnut hole".
And for empty-nesting parents, there was reason to rejoice
Kids could keep family coverage, this was now a parent's choice.
But all Republicans scoffed and persistently said "no"
With the sometimes exception of their colleague, Ms. Snowe.
With obstructions and filibusters, they tried every delay
To stop the bill and kill reform, before Christmas day.
So Leader Reid called his colleagues from left and from right,
For all 60 to join him, lest they lose this big fight.
Now Nelson, now Lincoln, now Franken and Wyden,
On Lieberman, on Bingaman, on Harkin and Cardin.
Christmas eve turned to night, and when the votes were all counted,
The filibusters and obstructions were completely surmounted.
The vote was inspired by the memory of Ted
Who'd applaud the victory for the cause he had led.
The work isn't over, there's much yet to be done
The Senate and the House bills must be merged into one.
But the vote on Christmas eve offers reason to cheer
*Cause health care reform will pass in the new year.
So call your fine leaders, and let your voice be heard,
With letters and emails, we must spread the word.
Our message is clear, and it shines a bright light
Health care coverage for all, and for all it's our right.
the gravity of what happened today hasn't even completely set in yet. it would be nice to know that we're done, but we're not. it would be nice to know that we've finished, but we haven't. but it is nice to know that we accomplished something that hasn't been done in 100 years. but even more than is nice to know that when this is done, when this is finished, we will have made a difference.
Posted by hu? at 12:08 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Sad Panda
how you ask, do i connect a sad panda entitled blog entry to health care reform...well, its simply the fact that i've lived, breathed, ate, and bled reform for the past year and sadly, it has controlled my life. but this posting not only reaches into my heritage (if only by stereotype and ethnicity of the protagonist), it also shows the difficulties of our economy and the joy some people can somehow find from it.
Posted by hu? at 10:30 PM 1 comments
Labels: random
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Final Pushes
its pretty obvious reading my blog these past few months that my life has been dominated by one subject... it's not surprising to see this posted on here as well
Posted by hu? at 10:06 PM 0 comments
Labels: politics
Friday, October 30, 2009
Lessons Learned
i realized that i haven't updated a completely brainless, menial i figure i'd use this opportunity to prove the world the correct chicken wing eating etiquette. now for those who know me, know that i'm a huge fan of chicken wings of all sorts. ans for those who know me, they know that when it comes to eating wings, it doesn't have to be clean as long as the meat gets in my mouth.
but now that i've seen the video below, i will have to be careful not to leave pieces of meat sticking to the bone.
Posted by hu? at 10:14 PM 0 comments
Labels: food
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
in this political bubble that i live in, today was a watershed moment...the senate finance committee passed comprehensive health reform by a vote of 14-9, with the honorable senator from maine crossing partisan lines to vote with history.
after a historic two week markup in committee, 70-80 hour work weeks, countless late nights, and unhealthy amounts of stress later...we've come to this point. never in history have we come so far on health care reform. though we're not there yet, it is inching its way forward and the anxiety and anticipation of progress is palpable in our little corner in the dirksen building.
looking back, my high point of the markup would have to be hearing senator snowe give her closing statement: “Is this bill all that I would want? Far from it. Is it all that it can be? No. But when history calls, history calls. I happen to think that the consequences of inaction dictate the urgency of Congress taking every opportunity to demonstrate its capacity to solve the monumental issues of our time.” those few words, so eloquently delivered, brought satisfaction to the hours and effort put into securing her vote. of course she is far from guaranteed to stay with us through the end, for this moment, we can stand tall and breathe a sigh of relief.
a close second to this closing moment of redemption would be senator rockefeller's heartwarming recanting of his dedication to the needy. his command of the audience, senators among them, hanging onto his words as he emotionally told the story of an immigrant worker he once tried to help get a job. and though with all his efforts, with his family name, and with his heartfelt dedication, this man faced the tragedy of insurmountable challenges placed upon a hardworking immigrant's shoulder, and he couldn't break through. tearing up, senator rockefeller gave the speech of the markup.
these are just a couple of the very memorable and unforgettable moments during the past few weeks. i know it is something that is hard to comprehend for those existing in the real world, but for us policy junkies living and breathing by every vote count and cbo dollar lost or gained, today was one giant leap forward in our ultimate goal. hopefully the coming months will bear fruit to our labors and we'll see our president of change penning his name to the largest domestic reform of our generation.
Posted by hu? at 9:49 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 1, 2009
In the Background
the past few weeks were spent combing through conceptual language for a final release, hand holding staff and bosses to win their votes, furiously typing talking points to ensure issues were clear, and cramming marathon briefings to ensure the whole show ran smoothly. all this led up to the finance committee markup of the America's Healthy Future Act of 2009.
and now that we're well into our second week of a seemingly never ending markup, most of the staff have begun to physically and mentally crumble. after a month of 15+ hour days and adrenaline rushed days...copious amounts of junk food and sugar littered around our offices...sleep deprivation altering our perceptions of humor...the staff is finally getting some love. though i'm still far to junior a staff member to be mentioned, it's the office camaraderie...the band of brothers mentality...that makes this post story all the more enjoyable.
as for my own recognition, my own collection of political capital, came on tuesday afternoon when comparative effectiveness finally came up for debate. after prepping for days to ensure my advice to the boss was clear and cogent, i finally got the seat behind the chairman, ready to whisper him concepts to be understand and arguments to be made. though sadly, for an hour or so debate, my sage guidance of the senior senator from montana only made it on cspan for about two minutes. don't get me wrong, it's not about the face time or the glory (though my vanity could have been stoked just a bit more for my tastes), it's about winning the votes...and that we did.
so there it is, my moment in the largest social policy debate in the last generation. for those who may actually be interested in my celebrity, i come up at the 3:11:00 minute mark on the cspan video.
Posted by hu? at 9:51 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 17, 2009
i may be enthralled in the realm of the pigskin at the moment...following my fantasy teams as i live and die by each yard and each touchdown...but i have to drop some love to basketball, my primary fanatical devotion.
as michael jordan was inducted to the hall of fame this month, there was look as to who would fill his shoes (as there always is). and he put it the best way, "there is only one michael jordan." and it's true. i know there has been talk of successors...vince carter, dwayne wade, lebron james...even harold minor! but so far, the closest member of the jordanesque has been kobe bryant (i know, you'll all think i'm just a homer and maybe i am). but he's got the rings and the instinct and the drive. i'll be the first to admit he will never be michael jordan, but he's inspired a generation of players who we will one day call bryant-esque.
and as much as everyone loves to hate him, you can't deny kobe's talent...
Posted by hu? at 11:41 PM 0 comments
Labels: sports
The Electorate
i'm all for fair minded debate...but this is ridiculous.
i wouldn't call myself a bright-blue democrat, and i understand there are some legitimate gripes about health care reform. but when this is the substance of their argument, it makes me frustrated to work as hard as we do to try to help some of these people.
Posted by hu? at 9:02 AM 0 comments
Monday, August 31, 2009
as august winds to a close, so does my month of indulgence and excess. not once before had i thrown way so much prudence to ensure that i enjoyed my brief hiatus from the breakneck atmosphere of capitol hill. having endured months of endless hours and interminable days, i relished the idleness of august recess and reveled in the laxness of summer office hours.
with the context settled, i can remember upon the many moments where i chose comfort over practicality, luxury over caution, and self-indulgence over reservation. from enjoying a couple of high quality cocktails at the gibson to a fresh set of egyptian cotten sheets to several delectable meals to a weekend of immoderation in vegas, i had excess funds and time and i lapped them up.
apologies for not having described my opulent vegas experience in a more timely fashion, but i was distracted by my other vice...eating. as it was restaurant week, i again allowed myself to indulge in the grandeur of master chefs and edible works of art. with my eating partners in tow, ting and i marched into adour and siroc while theresa and i brunched at blacksalt.
but not to distract from the initial intent of this posting, a brief recap of a great weekend. despite being a captive of the jetblue terminal of jfk, there was little to complain about. not being a neophyte to vegas, i am less enamored with the glitz and the excess of vegas, but this trip definitely set a new mark. i have always enjoyed vegas in the context of a college student, stretching dollars by cramming scores of people into tiny rooms and pre-partying with shots poured into paper cups and clubbing in the midst of hundreds of others on a dance floor. and i've always had fun...but this was different, this was vegas done right.
although the housing situation still missed the spot (as there were fiscal constraints beyond my control), the rest of the trip met my laughable "baller" standard. but it did include all the extra amenities...table service at the mix lounge and body english, buffet at the wynn, limo rides, and the ability to disregard any restraint at the tables (to an extent...i, after all, didn't win the lottery prior to the trip). but to finally be able to spend a few extra dollars to truly enjoy the luxuries vegas is known for and not feel the immediate fiduciary gag reflex was a relief not felt before...and i definitely delighted in that opportunity.
but beyond my own self-accomplishment and indulgence, i was happier still to know my friends...many vegas virgins...had a great time themselves. happiness is always exponentially expansive if it is shared with others...and my ten friends definitely compounded the festivities of an already exuberant weekend.
so as the final hours of august recede and the work period of september creeps up, i can only reminisce and recollect on the memories...but i will continue to ponder and predict the appeasement of my next craving, whatever it may be.
Posted by hu? at 10:58 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 21, 2009
on what i can only hope is fate testing my resilience and ridding me of any bad luck that may come my way this weekend, i am stuck at jfk international airport. i've seen plenty of movies and remember numerous news stories about being stranded that i'm surprised it has taken so long fir this particular situation to happen to me, considering how many planes and airports i've been in. but now that I'm in it, it totally sucks. instead of the glamor found in tom hanks' "the arrival", i find angry customers also left behind due to circumstances beyond our control and less-than-helpful airport employees unwilling to sneak me a plate of food or even secrets of the attractive flight attendant on her layover.
as i endure the next few hours of my grounding, i can only take solace that as uncomfortable these benches are and how annoying this pesky fly can be, i CHOSE to do this as opposed to the millions who everyday sleep on whatever street corner they can find. at least tomorrow, i'll be on a plane headed toward vegas and the lap of luxury. so in perspective, i'm not all that bad.
Posted by hu? at 1:38 AM 0 comments
Labels: travel
Monday, August 17, 2009
i probably wouldn't have found this so amusing had i not been able to relate to this young asian kid's vest for the taboo...or 'tittays' as this kid so eloquently puts it. there is a comedy here, as i can probably accurately predict this kid's entire social and familial situation. he's that pre-teen asian kid coming from a first-generation family, who's undoubtedly enrolled in math tutor session in addition piano and violin lessons, with parents holding onto the reins so tight that discovering choice images of vanessa hudgens naked will help develop this young man's appreciation for the female form.
what i find amusing is that in a decade of growth, the only thing that has changed from when that young child was me is the medium in which we can sneak peeks at the forbidden or steal snapshots at the unknown. and equally entertaining is the distribution of these fruits...transformed from the days of covertly slipping the playboy to your friend behind the bleachers to now possessing the concept of 'going viral'.
so to this kid, and future generations of our kind, i say this...enjoy the bliss of youth while you can because in a blink of an eye, you'll look in the mirror and see a up and coming young professional who's exterior is built for public consumption but who still holds on that little chinese kid inside.
Posted by hu? at 12:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: funnies
Thursday, August 13, 2009
The People
undoubtedly, you have all seen or read or heard (better not have participated) in these protests at town halls. i make it a point not to partake in any news coverage or listen to pundits analyze the situations as it would only result in anger and possibly a broken tv as my remote will be hurtled at it.
but this image basically sums up how i feel about this summer of whining:
Posted by hu? at 3:58 PM 0 comments
Labels: work
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
after many months of 60+ hours weeks, roller coaster days of political jostling, and endless meetings of attrition with our republican is finally recess here on the hill.
as our members left washington without a health reform bill out of committee, they went home to face angry mobs screaming about death panels...
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c | |||
Healther Skelter | |||| | ||||
The Colbert Report | Mon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c | |||
Death Panels | |||| | ||||
...and medicare benies telling government to get out of their health care, us lowly staffers got to enjoy some time to ourselves. our lives have finally returned to some semblance of normalcy, if only for the dregs of august. but speaking as one of those individuals who has lost all friends and social life to late night briefings and arguments with lobbyists, i look forward to leaving the office early enough to see the sun, to sit at happy hours, and to actually venture away from the city (vegas in 8 days!).
so as the days wear on, i urge time to slow just a bit more so i can enjoy a few more moments of peace and relative tranquility before congress returns to their politico bubble...before the health reform debate resumes full force...before we see if our work the past year will bear the fruits of our labor. so before all that happens, let me enjoy a few more weekends in the vineyards of virginia, or on the golf courses of maryland, or just at the bars of dc...just let me live.
Posted by hu? at 9:54 AM 0 comments
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Saturday, August 1, 2009
it was only a few months ago that i was in shanghai, getting my annual wardrobe update with my tailored suits and shirts. the beauty of that was always the perfect fit that came with a nicely made suit that looked two or three times more expensive than it actually was.
fast forward to present day, it's 7 months later and i've already refitted ALL my suit pants as they no longer held that perfect fit. instead, they were tightening up around the middle section of my body, often eliminating the need for a belt to add that extra fit.
with this depressing truth in hand and months of work, eat, drink, and sleep...the extra pounds and the mounting lethargy has finally pushed me to action. i rejoined my gym...hoping the $90 a month will help inspire me to lose the fat around my belly or else that monthly fee will just help to lose the fat in my wallet.
but it's not even the money that concerns's about the amount of time i can dedicate to actually going. i know it's only a few blocks from my house, but with the hours that i've been working, the only plausible solution was to wake up early to go to the gym. and for those who know me...doing THAT shows true dedication. AND...beyond the early wake up calls, i've been adding a bit of cardio to my workout too. now THAT is a shocking feat. but this is clearly the reason why i put my best effort into operation chub removal:
i started this past year at 165 :(
it's been two weeks now...and i'm proud to say i've made the morning workouts 4 times out of the 10 workday mornings and then a few extra on the weekends. so it's a start...however meager it may be, it's a start.
Posted by hu? at 4:30 PM 0 comments
Labels: DC
Sunday, July 26, 2009
It's Just Grape Juice
after months of grueling 60+ hour weeks, it's always a gift to enjoy weekends at home instead of at the office. so when this past saturday rolled around, i jumped on the opportunity to hop in a car with a few friends and drive out to the vineyards of virginia.
clearly, with carolyn at the helm, the day was planned down to the minute. which was great for me as i could just sit in the car and relax as i sip on local wines and nibble on crackers.
with pit stops planned at four different vineyards (chyrsalis, three fox, naked mountain, and linden), it was a full day of tastings.
now i'm not a wine connoisseur by any means, but i enjoy a few glasses here or there, and it was more about the escape than it was the wine (though i did end up with a few bottles to take home). i was expecting to see rolling hills, rustic greens, and the asymmetry of grapevines spanning the grounds...and for the most part, that is exactly what i got.
speaking to my coworkers, these are the moments that keep is sane throughout a legislative sausage making process that has consumed our lives these past few months. whether it be a dash up to ny for a triathlon, some time spent with the children, an escape to wine country, or just a day at home...i've found these moments to be grounding and a replenishment of the mind and body.
typically, i generally find that copious amounts of alcohol will normally do the trick for me; and not to say there wasn't enough wine to go around, but it was the atmosphere of the country air and the dry, crisp breeze that seemed to have swept any thoughts of markups, legislative dealing, republican reluctance, or partisan agendas to a distant bubble of thought.
the words of the winemaker at our last stop has stuck with me the past day, and i'm sure will be a good reminder to maintain sanity and live in the now as opposed to a future that doesn't exist yet...
it's not about what it should be, it's just about what it is.
Posted by hu? at 11:07 AM 0 comments
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Belated Birthday

but i was able to enjoy the past weekend of festivities...after all, the government must be off for its own birthday. after holing in the first year i was here, being drunk and belligerent in columbia heights last year, i figured it was standard procedure as a dc-ist to experience the fireworks on th

it was surprisingly easy to get in, crowds were abound but manageable...and a testament to jaclyn's optimism and experience, we were able to find a spot on the steps of the lincoln memorial. and after a rousing game of hearts, the show began...and here are just a few momentos of the experience.

Posted by hu? at 8:15 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
this posting is clearly long overdue, but i've been quite busy and haven't had much time to indulge on one of the best meals i've ever had in my life. thanks to ting, i was lucky to have sat in chef jose andres' minibar to a tasting.
eating at places that like, a amateur epicurean like myself regrets never having gone to culinary school. good food comes in many different forms...home cooking, the classic bbq, ethnic cuisine, fusion...and then there's imagination put onto a plate, poured into a bowl, or mixed into a drink. that is what minibar is made of...that is what was prepared right in front of your eyes...and that is the essence of taste that you put in your mouth.
i won't run down all 28 dishes that consisted of that night's tasting, but i will divulge on some of my favorites.beet tumbleweed i've always been a fan of beets, but this took it to a new level. this was basically a fried string of beets molded into the shape of a disparate tumbleweed that happened to breeze into my mouth.
bagels and lox don't be fooled, this isn't your standard bagel, cream cheese, and lox...instead, it was a cone of crisp breading, filled with creme fraiche, topped with salmon roe. ideally the best breakfast bite.zucchini in textures possibly the best dish of the night, this is zucchinis done three ways: the bottom layer a savory paste of carmalized zucchini, next a spread of individually plucked fresh zucchini seeds, topped with a sweet and tantalizing zucchini 'glue'. perfect texture meets exquisite flavor.
kumquats & pumpkin seed oil this pre-dessert looks exactly as it tastes...tart, sweet, and the ultimate palate cleanser. at the end of the savory portion and before the sweet, nothing could have freshened the tastebuds better than this dish.
it's difficult to only single out these 4 dishes in 28 amazing plates, but to describe them all would result in my having to replace my computer as i'm sure the drool over my computer would have fried the motherboard.
if you ever get the chance to make a month-in-advance reservation for one of the 12 seats a night, you MUST experience this. expensive...of course. but for a foodie, nothing could have been more orgasmic.
Posted by hu? at 10:11 PM 1 comments
Friday, June 12, 2009
it's not an uncommon sight to see throngs of reporters surrounding senators as they leave meetings and are vulnerable as they walk the halls back to their offices. and as there was a finance committee members' meeting, yesterday was no different.
after a constructive 2 hr meeting, i ducked out a bit early to make a phone call in our little hallway phone booth (which is basically a closet). unfortunately, as i ended my call...i noticed that there was a mob outside the door, blocking my exit. normally, it wouldn't be such a rude move to push through a few reporters, but this time was different. the person whose back was pressed against the door was that of the senator from maine, olympia snowe...and you can't just push a senator out of the for a good 20 minutes, i was trapped inside that little closet (as seen in the photo) as senator snowe answered questions and interviews. i furiously sent emails to our press secretary and a few colleagues asking them to perhaps stop by and ask the senator's staffer to move to the side so i could escape, but all i got back from them was mocking laughter and photo-taking.
as the reporters finally got their share and the questions began to dwindle, i finally got the attention of a staffer and a reporter, who kindly opened the door for me and freed me from my confines. and as a result of imprisonment, i did get a very sincere apology from the good senator from maine.
but beyond that low-moment of the week, there was also a fair amount of excitement (at least for a junior staffer of my level). the past two months have been spent speaking with interest groups, academics, experts, and fellow staffers to hone in on an improved reintroduction of my boss's comparative effectiveness research bill. for those who are not following health reform (i'm taking names and will make sure you don't get insurance or that you're premiums go up!!)...CER is what those on the right have labeled as our attempts to ration your health care by taking away decisions from your doctor and placing them in government hands.
of course, all that is full of crap and i'll be writing talking points to counter them soon. but to get back to the original point, this was the first time i've been sent solo to hammer out the details, make the sausage, and cut the deals...and the outcome was a bill, S. 1213 - The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Act of 2009.
it's been a nice progression for me since i've entered the world of professional politics...starting with a few terms with NACHC, helping the medically underserved and low-income populations find access to health care; then moving onto the hill shadowing the legislative director of a congressman from tennessee; to entering the annals of the national journal. hopefully this summer will be capped off with an invite to the white house for the signing ceremony for a comprehensive health reform here's to hoping.
Posted by hu? at 10:43 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 25, 2009
everyone once in a while i go back to read my old entries, starting this blog back in 07 when i was still wandering about the blocks of shanghai...sometimes reaching even further back when i started posting on my xanga, looking at all the junk and mental diarrhea i once penned as thoughts. sure some of it was valid and parts of it were fun, but i looked back on it tonight and realized that i was an emotional sap...a vanity exercise all in my head...and a narcissistic punk in my immaturity.
now that it's three years forward, and i reflect on my life now, a lot has changed while plenty has stayed the same. my physical location, my age, my job, my schooling, my growth has all ripened and expanded...but i look at myself and i still see the immature, egotistical, guarded child that has dominated my emotions from time to time. but however slowly, i also see wisdom that is beginning to creep into my mind and experience beginning to wear down old foes. so i guess it is all about persistence in this game of life.
what really started me on this journey of introspection tonight was a thought that came across my mind when deciding not to go out with my friends tonight. though it was a long day and i'm still battling the swine flu and i could just use the rest, i realized that having personal time is key to my sanity. and i always crave it, but when i get it, i always wish i had someone around me to spend it with. my old relationships used to fill that void perfectly and happily, but we all know that i haven't had one of those in a long time. and then my family is just too far away to make it a consistent affair (though it was nice to see my mother last week, regardless of how much money i lost in vegas or the sadness of an aging grandparent). the feeling lingers...i was tired and didn't want to drink tonight, wanting to keep a level of mental sanity with personal time before work ramped up again...but once i got it, i started to look back and doubt my independence and confuse it with loneliness.
so i guess what i'm trying to say to myself is...sometimes i can be my own worst enemy, but it's the self-battles that are worth fighting and worth winning.
Posted by hu? at 12:45 AM 0 comments
Labels: reflections
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Graduation Day
there was some discussion with a fellow graduate of mine on why this event didn't have the gravitas and the excitement that graduating from undergrad had...both of us had already secured full-time jobs and have already been at it for a while. for us, graduating was more about taking something off of our plates than achieving a milestone, now ready to face the world.
of course, that is not to say that this morning's commencement wasn't without its share of appreciation and satisfaction. what started as just another place to hid out before the real world has turned into two years of new friendships and reality checks. but with that being said, i bid a close to my academic career with one final walk across a stage.
from here, all those individuals in that room will have to find their own way. those undergraduates will now have to figure out where to go from here, with still some minor leeway until reality really sets in; and my fellow masters will really need to take that step forward into a world with fewer safety nets and more responsibilities.
congrats to all the other graduates.
Posted by hu? at 7:56 PM 0 comments
Labels: DC
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
after two years, 36 credit hours, 42k in tuition...i have just completed my last class in my masters program in American University.
i'm now going to be one of those pompous jackasses that puts their insignificant MPP degree behind their name on their business cards.
Posted by hu? at 10:54 PM 1 comments
Labels: DC
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Every Sunday
at some point every sunday, i read postsecret and see what other people are thinking in their heads. and every once in a while, i run into one that fits my life and what i'm thinking at that very moment.
this one hit me today, right on the spot. it explains why i kept myself awake last night to make sure i called and why i couldn't sleep well and woke up early this morning. i don't expect you to read this, but i thought i'd just put it out there.happy birthday.
Posted by hu? at 9:21 AM 0 comments
Labels: reflections
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Need To Get Away
it's really rare that i feel stress to the point where it actually leads to physical repercussions. i've always been proud of the way i dealt with stress...maybe living in an environment of constant motion and nonstop chatter has finally wiped me out.
its important that people take some time to themselves sometimes, but the problem i've run into is that, to compound the stress i'm feeling from work and school, is that when i'm away from that, i am alone.
it woke me up this morning, at 7 AM on a sunday...i haven't been up this early on a sunday since i was back in apo waking up for some crazy service project that po had set up...and i felt like i should do something cliche like take a walk around the mall (national, not some strip mall you uncultured anti-americans) and sit on one of the benches surrounding the tidal basin and watch the morning go by with jefferson and lincoln in the foregrounds...but instead, i did what i always do in this situation, said "fuck it, reflected on everything else i had in my life, and went back to bed"
Posted by hu? at 8:28 AM 1 comments
Labels: reflections
Monday, April 13, 2009
we must all band together...
i have established "Andrew's House" to help raise awareness and take donations for this debilitating disease
...together, we can overcome
Posted by hu? at 7:41 PM 0 comments
Labels: funnies
Thursday, April 9, 2009
some people like the consistency of a routine...and for the most part, so do i. but there always has to be a bit of a shake up here or there, something new to come along to spice things up. lately, i've been stuck in if i'm driving behind an old lady going 55 in the fast lane of a two-lane highway while blocked off by a semi next to me.
if i actually were in a car, i'd probably be tailgating that lady until she freaked out and moved out of my way...but i don't think i have the capacity at the moment to press down on the gas any harder. for me, that old lady would be the pressures of work (and my impending performance review that has gotten me anxious) and the semi would be the last month of school and the piles of work i need to get done before i can graduate. i'm hoping that one of the two will give way and i can actually enjoy some freedom to swerve around a bit of traffic.
but until something like that'll be wake up, work, school, too tired to cook cuz i'm home too late, sleep...and repeat
Posted by hu? at 11:16 PM 0 comments
Labels: reflections
Thursday, March 26, 2009
The Day to Day
so the boss, senator baucus (democrat of montana), is taking lead on health care reform this year. luckily for me, as an eager and idealistic product of the obama generation and policy-ilk, i have been fortunate enough to be on the health team of the senate finance committee working on putting together the bill. the hard work and insane hours, piled upon school work, has definitely had its drain on me these days. but the end game is key...if we pass this, i will have been a part of the largest health reform legislation in 40+ years. that would be a milestone and huge career achievement.
but the real reason why i put up with it isn't for the inspiration to lead or to participate in the process or to give back for the public, it was a vanity exercise to see how many times i can get caught picking my nose during hearings or how many magazine articles i can make it into.
if you're bored enough to catch some of the finance committee hearings on cspan, you probably haven't had a chance to see me beyond this brief moment in a press conference, since i don't usually sit behind the senator during the hearings. and if you're REALLY bored, you can catch me behind senator rockefeller during one of the health subcommittee hearings (its the 3-18-09 one).
but beyond that, you probably won't notice me too much...until last week's edition of the national journal where they did a nice big profile on the boss and his plan for health reform. in the lead intro photo to the piece, you get to see yours truly splashed across the fold.
so there it is folks...i've made it to national journal fame, with a circulation of over 12,000 and who knows how many online readers (though no images of me will be seen there). they say decisions are made by those at the table...and look where i'm sitting...
...though of course i'm not really making any of the decisions, but no one really needs to know that.
*and yes, i do realize my hand position looks odd...but i was flipping through my briefing book!
Posted by hu? at 11:10 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Notte Sento
so i've been feeling like i've been drifting lately...busy with work, disgusted with school, singularity at seems that i just haven't gotten my feet down firmly on the ground in a while. maybe i'm just burnt out, maybe it's the anxiety of graduation...but i haven't felt like myself lately. but every once in a while, you come along something that just lightens the mood and injects a tiny pin prick of spirit that can bring a smile back to my face...and this little italian short did that for me tonight. maybe it'll give you what you need.
Notte Sento (English subtitles) from napdan on Vimeo.
Posted by hu? at 11:08 PM 0 comments
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Monday, March 9, 2009
after months of talk and buildup, we finally had our curry cook off this past week. 4 cooks, many friends, tons of curry, one friendly competition. it was quite a gastronomical feast.
sadly, i didn't take any pictures of the evening, that probably would've helped conjure the images desired of delicious curries. for our competitors, we had two south asians (gowri and nafis) throwing together their native indian and bangladeshi curries, and two east asians (carolyn and myself) throwing down on some thai curries.
as for my curry...i created an amalgamation of two recipies. after a trial attempt last week, i was fearful that my dish would not have that oomph to make it in this battle. but after a week's worth of thought, i did come through with the perfect balance of spice and sour. after making the curry soup itself, i only had one more ingredient for completion...the shrimp (the essence and also the downfall to my dish).
unfortunately, i made the very dumb amateur mistake of cooking my shrimp too early...leaving it chewy and overcooked when the competition actually began. so with that gigantic and completely avoidable mistake in hand, i sadly did not win this inaugural food competition (more disappointing is that my dish was thought to be in tight competition had it not been for the shrimp). that title, curry champion, went to my good friend nafis...who's one goal was to dethrone me as top chef. and though he probably wouldn't challenge me to anything else, i do tip my hat at him for taking me down this instance.
Posted by hu? at 10:40 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Waiting For Spring
maybe it's the five months of winter or the frenetic nature of the senate or the consistently drone of school...not sure what it is, but i've been dragging lately. the constant cold, the pressures of impressing the boss, and oppressing senioritis might have finally broken my spirits.
i used to drown it all out with lots of liquor, but after months of unbalance and "stress drinking", my once physically toned abs now have a doughy consistency to them that i find unappealing. yet even this has not motivated me to find time in my schedule to actually exercise...what i need is a gay best friend to bring the criticisms and drive that once pushed me (i'm looking at you po).but this latest snow storm, which though brought a nice powder and clean shine to the city, has really got to wishing for spring. so many things will happen this spring, maybe it's the anticipation, but it seems to have dragged these past few months into vortex of time where the end game just gets pulled further and further away. with spring, the temperature might actually break 65, gray and brown will be replaced with the greenery of the flora and the pink of the cherry blossoms, a finale of 18 years of schooling, and hopefully a clean escape from past vices.
so yes...though the fresh blanket of snow may be appealing for the day, i'm really hoping for the sun to shine on a new day and a new story...a rejuvenating spring to cleanse the palate of an over-extended winter.
Posted by hu? at 10:33 PM 0 comments
Labels: DC, reflections
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Restaurant Week
there has been some serious negligence to this blog, and for that, i apologize. i attribute that to the intense work schedule i've had for quite some time now and also my sheer laziness.
but i feel that the time is right for a slight update to my otherwise uneventful life these past few weeks. one of my favorite times of the year, restaurant week was upon us. sadly, however, i wasn't able to fully indulge myself as much as i would have liked.
but hitting up three meals at restaurants i otherwise probably would not have tried will hold me over until august, then restaurant week part deux rolls around.
i know i had created a food blog long ago with a fellow foodie, but that has obviously fallen by the wayside, so i will use this forum to express my epicurean adventure.
lunch meals are clearly the best bang for the buck during restaurant week...and luckily enough for me, congress was in recess and i felt no guilt in taking a half day and eating some quality food after having worked 60+ hours a week for two months straight. olives, as you may know, is one of the many restaurants of celebrity chef todd i had high expectations going in.
the roasted beet salad was a perfect mixture of sweetness and tang from both the cheese and the citrus, making it a nice starter...followed by a really decadent butternut squash ravioli...finishing up the meal with a nice mixture of seasonal sorbets. all in all, the food was quality enough and definitely worth the $20 spent.
bistro bis
this meal was more of an event for friends to gather together, enjoy a nice glass of pinot noir, and share grumblings and gossip of the week. and that's what it turned out to be, and it was a nice break from the typical monotony of a work week...the good food was an appreciated bonus.
my french onion soup starter, though tasty, was more of a strategic choice to match my choice in entree, a braised lamb shank that was quite delicious, though something i probably could have cooked myself. dessert was a molten chocolate cake with vanilla ice cream that definitely satisfied my sweet tooth and provided a well rounded meal. though delicious, the final amount of cash dished out probably wasn't worth it.
art and soul
another celebrity chef experience, this time by art smith, famed private chef to oprah and once potential white house chef. this meal would have to be the best of my three restaurant week forays.
it began with an embarrassment as a table full of asians (plus ting's boyfriend matt) dug into the kumquat centerpiece thinking it was meant as a pre-meal snack, only to have it taken away by the server who probably thought it equal to us picking off the leaves to a floral centerpiece. but all was forgotten as the complimentary bread was placed in front of extremely airy loaf of buttery goodness, so delicious that we scarfed down six servings before our appetizers were even ordered.
starting with their brunswick stew, a perfect bowl of spicy and savory pulled pork and sausage, was the perfect remedy to a below freezing temperature day...following by a perfectly braised short rib that fell off the bone...and a dessert of mini cupcakes rounded out the meal.if your mouth hadn't started salivating by now, it's probably simply because my descriptions did no justice to the actual consumption and sensory absorption. but to continue on my foodie experience, i round out this entry with a food description of my personal culinary talents...a dinner of seared duck breast topped with a red wine reduction over a saffron and wild mushroom risotto that i cooked for myself. and since i was forgetful with my camera during my excursions out, hopefully this picture will accomplish the desired mouth-wetting.
Posted by hu? at 11:01 PM 0 comments
Thursday, February 12, 2009
My Piece of the Pie
so everyone knows that the United States is the home of the frivolous lawsuit, ambulance chaser, and malpractice mecca. and having lived in this wonderful land of freedom and excuses for 23 of my 24 years of life...i figure it's about time i got in the game.
so Lucie J. Kim, count me in...
and yes...i am a little embarrassed to be looking at TMZ while at work
Posted by hu? at 1:19 PM 0 comments
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Thursday, January 22, 2009
Perfect Combination
this is the ideal amalgamation of one of my favorite shows on tv ever with reality...
Posted by hu? at 10:20 PM 0 comments
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Tuesday, January 20, 2009
First Dance
i remember my first dance...way back when in junior high. when it was still awkward and you could fit a whole other person between us. when it was all so new and exciting, as if for a few moments you were doing grown up things. and when i see those young kids feeling their first burst of butterflies in their stomach, it is still a warm and fuzzy moment.
and i know i'm still wrapped up in the events of the day and the measure of the moment...but is this not one of the sweetest things to see:
Posted by hu? at 11:30 PM 0 comments
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An Inaugural Experience
the way things have been going with my ticket hopes, inaugural excitement, and historic involvement, i sadly left the inauguration disappointed and dejected...
no, it was not because transportation was gridlocked...or that the speech was not perfect for the times...or that the weight of history was too much to bear. but because even with a ticket to the blue section of the inauguration of a lifetime, i was unable to get past the broken power generators, unreliable metal detectors, thousands of people, and an unorganized debacle of a line.
yes folks...after all the hype that i made for myself, for all the energy i had exerted to make this moment one of those "i remember where i was" moments, i couldn't even get past the gate.
for me, this inauguration was an experience limited to standing in line for hours and watching as my entrance was disorganized, people pushed and created a logjam as they showed up late, lines converging where they shouldn't have, and innumerable issues with lack of coordination. and sadly, this was an experience shared by thousands of others standing beside me.
so after realizing that i probably wouldn't make it beyond the gates in time, my fellow hopeful in line and i dashed to a local bar to just catch the ceremony on tv. it may not have been the viewing experience that i had wanted or dreamed of, but as i was watching the President get sworn in, i was still awash with history and emotion. though i didn't make it onto the mall to share this moment with the 2 million others, i was part of the billions around the world who had their eyes and hearts fixated on this one man who defied prejudice, odds, and history to become this country's 44th president...and i realized, i will still remember exactly where i was when it happened.
Posted by hu? at 6:31 PM 0 comments
Labels: DC
Sunday, January 18, 2009
after a seesaw of confusion about my previous "commemorative" inaugural ticket, i was luckily rewarded with an actual ticket!
i owe my luck to the fact that they are not allowing strollers into the ceremony, my coworker was unable to use her tickets lest her baby be stranded at home alone (seeing as it is nearly impossible to find a babysitter willing to skip the biggest moment in presidential inaugural history).
it turns out my decision to come to dc with the faint hope that i'd be around for the swearing in of a democratic president was a good one. so come january 20th, i'll be right there...soaking it all in.
Posted by hu? at 11:04 PM 1 comments
Labels: DC
Sunday, January 11, 2009
so apparently...i will have to take a step down from my pedestal and join the mere mortals on january 20th. it seems that my previous elation over obtaining what seemed to be an inaugural ticket was all fluff and no substance.
now it's back to the hopes that i can work whatever minor connections i have into stealing a ticket and slip out of the cheap seats for my slice of history.
Posted by hu? at 8:50 PM 0 comments
Labels: DC
Friday, January 9, 2009
so i come home after finally ending the work week from hell...or at least the work week from hell up to this point. i was ready to just collapse and not think about the sunday that i'll probably have to spend in the office when i decide to check my mail.
and to my surprise and disbelief, this is what i receive:
can this be real?? am i really going to the inauguration?? i'm in total shock if this is real...and i can't make myself believe it is until i get confirmation from someone else. i'm hoping that i don't find out this is fake and get completely disappointed. but it is from the presidential inaugural maybe?
Posted by hu? at 9:06 PM 1 comments
Labels: DC
Friday, January 2, 2009
Quick Trip to the Motherland
in my first two-a-day posting in quite some time, i felt it necessary to enlighten you all about my brief vacation back to shanghai. it was a quick trip with three ultimate goals...eating, drinking, and shopping...all of which were accomplished with a gusto.
keeping to promises made in a previous post, i will divulge some of the happenings and revelations my most recent visitation.
the eating is always a delight when visiting shanghai. for those unfamiliar to the demanding taste buds of my mouth, i can say with great delight that i was able to gorge myself on a plethora of delicacies...from hot pot to spanish tapas. it was wonderful to enjoy chinese food as it was meant to be...and not the knockoff fusion or americanized-asian foods found here in dc. it may be quite some time before i am able to fill my stomach with the goodness that i most crave, but that is just the way the stomach grumbles.
to compound of consumption of solid food is the unavoidable curse of partying and drinking in shanghai. it was without a doubt that i found head buried in a toilet...not once, but twice, while having sunday lunch with my family. thats right, i was able to survive my worst hangover ever in full view of my parents who laughingly offered me more beer to ease my troubles. but what can i say, i was simply a casualty to 5 bottles of grey goose. (some photos of that night can be seen here)
and to satisfy my professional need of wearing suits everyday, i went to shanghai intent on coming home with some tailored clothes...and what i ended up with was an entire new wardrobe. having come off a shopping/tailoring spree to have made any girl jealous, i now have 5 new coats, 5 new suits, 7 dress shirts, 4 extra pairs of pants, and 3 scarves in my collection.
so that's that...shanghai in a nutshell. due to my new work schedule, my trip was limited to a quick 7 days...forcing me to indulge all my desires into a week, leaving me exhausted and in need of another vacation.
Posted by hu? at 8:21 PM 0 comments
Remembrance of 2008
during a conversation with a friend of mine, she spoke of how 2008 was her best year ever. this concept got to me wonder which of my 24 would be considered my best years (of those i can remember at least)...would it be 1990, trotting along in first grade when the backpacks were larger than my body and my lunch box emblazoned with ren & stimpy cartoons, before the politics of second grade kicked in?...or 2002, having survived the high school experience full of first-loves, ditching classes, and the inescapable competition of college acceptances...or 2006, finally traversing the college landscape dotted with previously inexperienced freedoms, real loves, and leaving with actual college degrees...or 2008, where a roller coaster of events rocketed me up to meaningful employment down to the dirges of lost loves shaped this previous year.
with fears of too much thought leading to a growth of my love handles, i decided that 2008 had been like all the others...unpredictable, memorable, heartbreaking...and most importantly, over. perhaps it would be too quixotic of me to say 2009 will only consist of highs, or even too naive of me to even want it is the magnitude of events and emotions that help define us.
seeing as how my first post of last year was a recap, it felt fitting that the first post of year 2009 also contain a brief rendition of last years exploits. and following previous formats, the countdown will begin in reverse order:
the prospects of finishing up my masters is drawing closer at the conclusion of my third semester, which coupled with my full-time work schedule led to a much needed vacation with the family in shanghai.
wonderful november, a young politico's wish and democratic staffer's hopes have come true with a historic election...also, with the aid of another chef in the kitchen, we were able to host one of the most successful thanksgiving/holiday feasts ever with a table overflowing with was an epicurean's dream.
this seemed to be a rather tiring month as i experienced my first month with a combination of full-time school and full-time work...this dual led to develop my drinking habits and expensive weekends out.
with a well-timed arrival of an old friend, i celebrated my 24th birthday with new friends at Marvin's near U-st. what can only be described as a 'growing' experience, it was nice to compound that with my acceptance as the new health research assistant for the senate finance committee, ending my unemployment while padding my resumé.
though the success and excitement of the olympics was in full bloom, this was not a very good month for my emotional humanity...having lost a part of me, august seemed to be bleak, though i somehow managed to restrain from entering depths i have vowed to avoid.
with frequent trips around town searching for jobs and networking old sources for help, i found july to be a humbling experience that unfortunately too many are dealing with.
i'll remember june with the ending of my congressional fellowship, my most recent trip to vegas, and what unfortunately became my last vacation out to san diego.
besides the end to my first year in grad school, may seemed to be unusually quite for 2008. either that or age has caught up to me and has plagued my memory with blind spots.
with ting and matt further solidifying their relationship, i found myself without a roommate for the first time in a long time...though i did come to enjoy the freedoms of living alone.
another seemingly forgetful month that i probably spent procrastinating from school, feigning dilligence at work, and entralled in a primary contest that would never end.
if august was the larger drop on the roller coaster, then february had to have been the quick loop and dip used to gain momentum in order for the cart to make it to the heights.
ahh...the beginning of it all...the prelapsarian month of this all too exhaustive year. the question would have to be, "if i knew this year would've been like this, shouldn't i have stayed in 2007?"
and with that, my reader(s), i relinquish my grasp on the previous year which will now be archived into memory...with little bits and pieces of it found right here in my little niché of the blogosphere.
Posted by hu? at 7:22 PM 1 comments
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