Saturday, June 9, 2007


how quickly do we forget how wondering it is to have nothing to do. having spent the past several months mastering the skill of spending an entire week to accomplish things that could have been done in one day...having a set work schedule has definitely been a jolt.

*its not actually a picture i took...but thats pretty much the view i have
since i've started my internship at NACHC...i've had to wake up early, make the 45 minute commute downtown, grab my customary iced caramel macchiato, and spend the next 7 some odd hours in an office building. now all of this wouldn't be worth it if it wasn't for the fact that i'm getting paid, earning valuable experience, actually doing something worthwhile, and a view of the White House every morning.

so after one week of work, i've realized how cliché the image of me working is. everyday...i'm in slacks, a dress shirt, and a my bag over my shoulder...slip my ipod into my pocket and stick the headphones in my ear...hop onto the bus/metro...and head to work. i feel like a movie extra in the peripheral being overshadowed by the pervading presence of the star.

but all in all...not too shabby first few weeks.


Unknown said...

45 minute commute?!

look at you.. a working boy haha

FC said...

ah... my one hour commute beats your 45 minutes. oh, and thats on a good day =) the working life is fun huh. welcome to my world.