Thursday, September 17, 2009


i may be enthralled in the realm of the pigskin at the moment...following my fantasy teams as i live and die by each yard and each touchdown...but i have to drop some love to basketball, my primary fanatical devotion.

as michael jordan was inducted to the hall of fame this month, there was look as to who would fill his shoes (as there always is). and he put it the best way, "there is only one michael jordan." and it's true. i know there has been talk of successors...vince carter, dwayne wade, lebron james...even harold minor! but so far, the closest member of the jordanesque has been kobe bryant (i know, you'll all think i'm just a homer and maybe i am). but he's got the rings and the instinct and the drive. i'll be the first to admit he will never be michael jordan, but he's inspired a generation of players who we will one day call bryant-esque.

and as much as everyone loves to hate him, you can't deny kobe's talent...

The Electorate

i'm all for fair minded debate...but this is ridiculous.

i wouldn't call myself a bright-blue democrat, and i understand there are some legitimate gripes about health care reform. but when this is the substance of their argument, it makes me frustrated to work as hard as we do to try to help some of these people.