Sunday, April 26, 2009

Every Sunday

at some point every sunday, i read postsecret and see what other people are thinking in their heads. and every once in a while, i run into one that fits my life and what i'm thinking at that very moment.

this one hit me today, right on the spot. it explains why i kept myself awake last night to make sure i called and why i couldn't sleep well and woke up early this morning. i don't expect you to read this, but i thought i'd just put it out there.happy birthday.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Need To Get Away

it's really rare that i feel stress to the point where it actually leads to physical repercussions. i've always been proud of the way i dealt with stress...maybe living in an environment of constant motion and nonstop chatter has finally wiped me out.

its important that people take some time to themselves sometimes, but the problem i've run into is that, to compound the stress i'm feeling from work and school, is that when i'm away from that, i am alone.

it woke me up this morning, at 7 AM on a sunday...i haven't been up this early on a sunday since i was back in apo waking up for some crazy service project that po had set up...and i felt like i should do something cliche like take a walk around the mall (national, not some strip mall you uncultured anti-americans) and sit on one of the benches surrounding the tidal basin and watch the morning go by with jefferson and lincoln in the foregrounds...but instead, i did what i always do in this situation, said "fuck it, reflected on everything else i had in my life, and went back to bed"

Monday, April 13, 2009


we must all band together...

i have established "Andrew's House" to help raise awareness and take donations for this debilitating disease

...together, we can overcome

Thursday, April 9, 2009


some people like the consistency of a routine...and for the most part, so do i. but there always has to be a bit of a shake up here or there, something new to come along to spice things up. lately, i've been stuck in if i'm driving behind an old lady going 55 in the fast lane of a two-lane highway while blocked off by a semi next to me.

if i actually were in a car, i'd probably be tailgating that lady until she freaked out and moved out of my way...but i don't think i have the capacity at the moment to press down on the gas any harder. for me, that old lady would be the pressures of work (and my impending performance review that has gotten me anxious) and the semi would be the last month of school and the piles of work i need to get done before i can graduate. i'm hoping that one of the two will give way and i can actually enjoy some freedom to swerve around a bit of traffic.

but until something like that'll be wake up, work, school, too tired to cook cuz i'm home too late, sleep...and repeat