i remember when the class bell would ring and i'd throw all my papers and books and crayons into that little cubby hole in my desk...then run outside to play basketball on those 8 foot baskets, or manifest an obstacle course out of the various jungle gym pieces...and feel that that 30 minute break was never long enough...only to sadly return to my little desk and hope my mom packed a capri sun in my lunch.
what happened to those days...when the biggest problem i faced was whether i could go to that sleepover at chang's house, or challenging myself to beat everyone else on their multiplication tables, or making sure i drew within the lines.
whatever ever happened to my lunch box? when came the day that it got thrown away, i think i should've had some say in that decision
i bring up recess because these past few weeks, congress has been taking their annual spring break. allowing me to peruse my various rss feeds, spend hours trying to find people to annoy on gchat, and browse the internet for useless entertainment such as this...
however, my normally idle mind is being overworked by thoughts of cloudiness and uncertainty. now it's full of questions...prospective inquisitions and introspective investigations. the answers not always shining. but in the end, i think i did have a say in my decisions, and i just have to live with it.
"even in darkness, there is no permanence"
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Posted by hu? at 6:01 PM 0 comments
Labels: politics, reflections
Friday, March 14, 2008
Past Words
i find myself in the wee hours of this morning, in a haze of insomnia and a crisis of faith. it isn't atypical to find me blogging here in the hours between night and morning...in a time where the freshness of my brain have been whittled into a puddle of incoherence...but unless there are mysterious readers (okay, who am i kidding...reader) who keep updated with this silly ol' sounding board, you are more often to miss these random posts as i typically delete them soon after. but i think this one i'll keep...
foraging in my past words, i stumbled upon a line i once wrote:
"i am sure that this expedition into the unknown and uncomfortable will be a watershed moment for my memoirs. the words are constantly being penned and my life is doggedly being created by Existence...and i am its muse...i will be introduced to the new chapters of my life as they are written and the pages continually turned."
something about the direction in my life has shifted since i wrote those words. sure i'm still treading in the unknown and uncomfortable...but there has been an essential transformation in the infrastructure of faith i once built my foundations on. for better or worse...that is still a chapter unwritten.
Posted by hu? at 5:18 AM 1 comments
Labels: reflections
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Way To Go Keith
in a continuance of my recent political stream...
i don't think hrc is a racist, and in my brief time in politics, i have supported her and admired her. but her campaign has trashed my opinion of her and her motives as it becomes clear to me that she and her people will do anything needed to win. when it comes down it, she employs cut-throat, karl-rovian politics...and i am just tired of it.
and to take a quote from my brother..."If she ever ends up picking up the phone at the White House at 3am, I hope it’s security asking her to leave since visitors aren’t supposed to be in the Oval Office."
Posted by hu? at 4:23 PM 0 comments
Labels: politics