maybe it's my lack of fresh posts...maybe i've lost my dry wit and whimsical humor (or maybe i never had any)...maybe i was yesterday's news...but whatever the reason, readership of huspot has definitely dropped and comments have dwindled (if you can tell me the other two words in the english dictionary that start with the letters "dw" get a voucher for one hu-hug or high-five).
but i will forage onwards with a determination only overshadowed by bush's stubbornness, and tell you about my thanksgiving...
it was supposed to be a small family affair of two, my mother and i...that turned into a throng of relatives, for which i was meant to cook for. never one to fear the stove...flaming pot of oil or not...i accepted the challenge.though the turkey was premade, the rest of the food you see on that table was all me....bbq ribs (not very thanksgiving-ish, but still good) beans and pancetta...garlic mashed potatoes...candied yams...stuffed mushrooms, like olive garden used to make...arugula and endive salad with a white wine vinaigrette i'm tooting my own horn...but hey, i'm proud of myself. this is the first time i've cooked for my family since that damp shanghai evening of burrito stuffed goodness. anyways, it was an overall success in the kitchen, on the dining room table....and even a lot of success on the craps table (but that's a separate story all together)
hope everyone else's thanksgiving was great
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Thanksgiving 2007
Posted by hu? at 12:29 AM 0 comments
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Oh Heidi
on this day of thanksgiving, i'm thankful for these...
don't worry...i'm sure i'll feel inspired at some point through the day to release my eloquence onto this blog and let all of you know what i'm thankful for.
Posted by hu? at 12:33 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 15, 2007
get your mind out of the gutter kids...i'm not talking about the "dirty sanchez" or the "rusty trombone" or the "meat spin" (nsfw)...though the political maneuvering of some of these candidates can be considered just a despicable or yoga-esque. but as the latest round of democratic debates passes, i wonder what kind of platform i would run on...
sadly, it wouldn't be on hope, it wouldn't be on change, and it wouldn't be on would be on bitch-slapping Americans to a rude awakening. it would be a warning that we have become complacent, corrupt, and criminal...that we can no longer call ourselves the world's anything except joke. when our currency is trading so poorly that we can't even get supermodels to take it.
but back to the issues of the day...
health care: comprehensive reform and universal health care. mandate insurance for all citizens and access for all people. i'd open up the federal employee health benefits plan to ALL those who want it...creating a major pool to keep costs down. that radical hope would be to eliminate the "over 65" clause of medicare...see how those insurance companies react when they have to compete against the low costs of medicare on the individual.
iraq/iran/afganistan: get the hell out...caught to do it safely, so it might take longer than we'd like. but until we get political stability, we're not going to do any good in that region. not only are we losing money and lives, we've already given up all political respect and legitimacy. i mean, how can we go on chastising iran for supporting terrorism when we feed billions of dollars into saudi arabia only to have its citizens come back and bomb the shit out of us. hypocrisy is our foreign policy prerogative, and we need to step back and become the beacon we once were.
china: free-trade isn't going away anytime soon, and neither is our trade deficit as long as we continue to charge our war credit cards and enjoy cheap goods. sorry blue-collar population, but if you enjoy wal-mart and costco-esque prices, then we just have to face the possibility of losing some jobs. so what we need is to establish better trade laws...enforce the rules of the wto...and work on producing the advanced technological/scientific goods that can still dominate the export market.
taxes: sorry uber guys have been getting away with a criminally low marginal tax limit. can't tax over $97,500?? thats not as high as it used to be these what do you say huh? how about helping out the little guys a little...improve some education, feed social security, better society.
there are definitely plenty more hotspots and democratic g-spots that could be rubbed...but i'm honestly just too lazy to get them down. my motivation is almost as strong as the democratic congress's backbone...that'll give you a good understanding.
Posted by hu? at 11:25 PM 0 comments
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